Contact Mary Beauchamp
Food Alchemist
Personal Health Strategist
Consultations and Coaching
(916) 216-2005

Monday, March 7, 2011


Let your food be your medicine,
 let your medicine be your food…

In 1883 Antoine Beauchamp discovered bacteria. He said that illness was not caused from germs.  Rather-- in order for germs to proliferate—they need a medium that is conducive to their growth.  His contemporary, Louis Pasteur, published Antoine Beauchamp’s findings and took credit for them, while promoting the “Germ Theory” which is based on the idea that illness is caused when the body is invaded and attacked by outside germs. On his death- bed, Pasteur admitted that Beauchamp was right all along.  However, by that time, it was too late and the western medical world had already embraced Pasteur’s theory that cast into stone our current medical philosophy that still holds true today, supporting the attack of symptoms in hopes of destroying invading germs.  Unfortunately, this approach also kills the helpful life forms that are present in our bodies and serve us in subtle yet profound ways. 

Both of these men were brilliant in their time and each of their theories hold valuable truths which are gaining velocity even today, providing an opportunity for humanity to practice choice.  The truth is: germs do exist; AND they can only thrive in an environment that supports their growth.  So what can we do that would help support our bodies natural ability to resist the proliferation of harmful organisms that cause disease?  One of the most important things we can do is to alkalize the body. 

According to many experts, weight gain, inflammation, chronic illness, cancer and many other diseases can only exist in presence of an acidic environment within the body. High acidity is usually the primary contributing cause of weight gain, because if the body is acidic, it will hold onto extra water to dilute the acids. 

Generally, with a poor diet, the inner environment of our bodies becomes more acidic, creating a breeding ground of disease-causing microbes and organisms.
                                                                                    David Wolfe
Whole foods that carry with them the wisdom of Ancients and can powerfully counteract the progression into acidity and chronic illness are: 

Super foods
Super herbs
Fungi (not culinary mushrooms)
Raw vegetables

These are the healing gifts of The Mother Earth that can stop the pendulum from swinging within us and bring our body into balance—or at least a gentle rocking. These foods, when added to the daily diet, can serve to provide optimal cellular communication and the foundation for strong immune system. They are easy to synthesize into a daily liquid nutrition drink (elixir) that provides all day nutrition, sustained blood sugar, energy, and a feeling of fullness and satisfaction for many hours…  I will be sharing with you how to use these foods in your daily diet in upcoming articles. 

We must take on a certain level of responsibility and commitment to our own health in order to manifest a change in the pH of our bodies.  How much responsibility we take on is based on our emotional comfort level.  There is no separation between the emotional body and physical body.  These two energetic structures within us have a very intimate relationship. Together they hold the forces that drive us-- and keep us in sickness—or in health.  The mind and body are energetically intertwined—just like the double helix strand of our DNA. Our energetic pre-disposition is the design plan (karma), which manifests itself into existence in our lives (dharma). Both the emotional and the behavioral patterning is energetically held within the structure of our own individual DNA.  Both have a powerful influence over our physical and mental well-being—and the choices that we make… 

In other words, it is just as important that we feel good about what we are eating—as it is that we eat healthy food… The pH of our blood is affected not only by the foods that we eat—but also by our thoughts. 

We still see physical health as something we have to maintain solely from the physical plane, rather than a mirror of our inner state. Physical health is the manifestation of our thinking, our willing and our feeling of all that is.
                        Richard Rudd

It is helpful to choose foods that will support the alkalinity of our body so that it does not have to work so hard to create this constant balance.  It is important that we look deeply into ourselves and pay close attention to how our body is responding to life in every moment: a level of noticing of what we are resisting; what we are open or closed to; and what our expectations, obsessions, wants and desires are…   How we respond and react energetically to what is in our “space” has a profound effect on our internal pH.  You can actually this it happening in your body.  It is that all too familiar feeling of un-ease (dis-ease).   Now is the time to be vigilant and dedicated to your own authenticity, honesty, forthrightness, transparency, and completeness in every action and interaction. 

Aligning the physical and the emotional body together in optimal vibration is the beginning of accessing our own knowingness.   As a community, we are waking up to the possibilities that lie within our infinite wisdom.  This creates an opening for the manifestation of divine creativity on the planet.  Our increased awareness and capacity to feel what is real and communicate it--combined with feeding our cells  “living” nutrition for optimum cellular communication-- has a profound effect on the whole body and it’s ability to allow for the force of life to move through it…  It is the resistance to the flow of life that is crippling. 

These super “intelligent” foods are here to wake up our consciousness and expand our capacity to experience life, fully. They are integral in the healing of the planet the people.  As we begin to bring these foods into the body— we naturally lose interest in unhealthier foods.

Over time, you may likely perceive the world as a more amazing place than ever before, because you will feel better more often.
David Wolfe

Join Mary Beauchamp at any of the following events:  

Free In Store Event
April 15th at The Briar Patch
290 Sierra College Drive
Grass Valley

May 11th at 6:00pm
Briar Patch Community Room
290 Sierra College Drive
Grass Valley
Cost: $20.00
Cutting edge liquid nutrition alchemy synthesizing superfoods,  super herbs and medicinal fungi…

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