Contact Mary Beauchamp
Food Alchemist
Personal Health Strategist
Consultations and Coaching
(916) 216-2005

Monday, March 7, 2011


I have been using colostrum for over 15 years.  I first discovered it when my horses got Pigeon Fever, which is an incurable and very deadly disease for horses.  This disease lasts for about six months in it’s duration and during that time the horse develops a large mass of fluid on its belly and/or chest which eventually busts open and drains over weeks and weeks … I had just bought a baby colt who I had brought home to my barn.   Shortly after he arrived, I discovered that all of my horses were infected.  I was devastated when I found out, as this is particularly fatal in young horses and older horses. 

I went searching for an alternative and I found another vet who recommended colostrum.  Within about five days of giving this to my horses—ALL of the symptoms were gone!  I knew that this was a product so powerful that I needed to find out how to get it for myself. 

I began to question the integrity of the many of the different colostrum products that I had used over the years:  the way in which they were collected, and processed; and the health of the cows and the treatment of the calves…  I was in search of the highest quality product that I could feel good about taking.  The more I learned—the more I questioned. 

Then I discovered Surthrival Colostrum.  This is collected at 6 hours after the birth of the calves.  The cows are raised on green pastures and they eat organic feed when necessary.  The calves are not adversely affected by the collection of the milk and they continue to nurse after the colostrum is collected.  If the baby calf does not get colostrum--it will have to be on antibiotics for the rest of it's life!  There is plenty of colostrum available for the calf to thrive--after the collection of Surthrival Colostrum.  

I love this product and I take it every day!   It is truly Mother nature's most complete superfood!

The following information referenced was originally written by Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith.

SurThrivalists!  You already knew Colostrum is the most absorbable, most nutrient dense, and complete food in nature, but did you know that Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than vaccines?  But remember, not all Colostrum is created equal.  In fact, nearly all Colostrum on the market is actually nothing more than "transitional milk".  True Colostrum must be harvested within 6 hours from the birth of the calf.  Our Colostrum is the only independent 3rd party verified true "6 hour" Colostrum.  

The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral Colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with anti-influenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and Colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-Colostrum subjects. The Colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the Colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the Colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective.  

To read more about the amazing benefits of Colostrum go to the link below...

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